George Westerby Howe was born May 13, 1867 in Mobile, Alabama, son of Osmond Collins and
Elizabeth Ann (Jones) Howe. He was married in Escambia County on November 18, 1898 to Louise
Seller. They were the parents of two children. From write-up in book: "George Westerby Howe...
Pensacola since 1878..owner of Geo. W. Howe Company, a timber and lumber exporting firm...born
May 13, 1867 in Mobile, son of Osmond Collins Howe and Elizabeth Ann Jones...Consular Agent for
France at Pensacola since 1897...president of the Pensacola Library Association...married in 1898 to
Louise Sellers...she died November 8, 1914; children: Mrs. Beatrice Howe Davis (wife of J.E. Davis), an
son Geo. W. Howe...members of the Episcopal Church." Georg Howe died January 10, 1957. From
paper Thursday, January 10, 1957: "George W. Howe, retired exporter and civic leader...operated
George W. Howe & Company...retied about 1952...For 57 years he was the French consul agent, but
resigned during WWII when the Vichy regime surrendered to the Germans...One of his proudest
possessions was a letter from General DeGaulle in which the French resistance leader praised him for
this action...past president of the YMCA...member of Christ Episcopal Church...native of Mobile and
came to Pensacola with parents in 1876. His father was British consul in Mobile and Pensacola for
many years...survivors: daughter Mrs. Bea Davis; two brothers, Wm D. Howe and Lawrence Howe of
Pensacola, sister Mrs. Edith Foster of Seattle". He is buried next to his wife (one stone), daughter
Beatrice Howe Davis, sons George Westerby Howe Jr., Osmond Collins Howe, brother Fredrick
Osmond Howe and his wife Beatrice Sellers Howe (one stone), Louis Henry Seller, and Alfredo Bierck.