First official meeting of the Friends in the St. John’s Gate House/Caldwell Education Center An historic event—Annual Meeting April 20, 2004 The Annual Meeting of the Friends of St. John's Historic Cemetery Foundation was held on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 at the St. John’s Gate House/Caldwell Education Center. It was announced that the following accepted their nominations to serve as members of an Advisory Board to Friends of St. John's Historic Cemetery: John Appleyard, Earle Bowden, Matt Currin, and John Daniels. All of these gentlemen have made major, long-term contributions to historic preservation, education and the quality of life in Pensacola and beyond. Also, Richard Brosnaham, curator of T. T. Wentworth Museum was welcomed to the the Executive Committee of St. John's Historic Cemetery Foundation. His family has supported St. John's for generations; his father, grandfather, great grandfather and others are interred in St. John's. Jim Smith was presented a resolution by his grandson, Scott Remington in behalf of the Friends. Scott is the valued Secretary of the Friends and Chairman of the Grants Applications Committee. Jim was thanked for his expert work and diligence at St. John's as grounds supervisor for many years. The annual business meeting was held ,a financial report was given and the slate of officers was nominated and re-elected: Ted Nickinson, President; Miller Caldwell, Vice President: Scott Remington, Secretary and Jayne Bell, Treasurer. The fourth annual Commemoration Day,2004, program was distributed and all were urged to attend. Duncan McDavid our official photographer and webmaster was recognized for his faithful coverage of all our special events and he will cover this event as well. |